Planned Giving

Leave a legacy of equity, safety, and healing by making a planned gift to Safety and Justice Oregon. Your support will fuel our movement to end mass incarceration and help survivors of violence heal in Oregon for years to come.

If you decide to make a legacy gift to Safety and Justice Oregon, please let us know. We value the opportunity to express our gratitude and acknowledge your generous support.

Planned Giving Options


You can include a bequest provision in your will or living trust that specifies an amount or percentage of your estate that you wish Safety and Justice Oregon to receive. Simply provide your attorney with our official name and tax identification number. Here is some sample bequest language that you might use in your will or living trust:

“I give and bequeath _______ (dollar amount, percentage of residuary estate, etc.) to Safety and Justice Oregon (Tax Identification Number 30-0457438), located at 221 NW 2nd Avenue, Suite 209, Portland, OR 97209.”

Retirement Plans

You can name Safety and Justice Oregon as a primary or partial beneficiary of your IRA, 401(k), or other qualified retirement plan. This type of planned gift is easy and may generate significant tax savings. Simply ask the administrator of your retirement plan for a beneficiary designation form. On the form, name Safety and Justice Oregon as a beneficiary of the retirement plan assets.

Life Insurance

This gift is as simple as updating your beneficiary designation form with the policy holder. You can designate us as the primary beneficiary for a percentage or specific amount. You can also make us the contingent beneficiary so that we will receive the balance of your policy only if your primary beneficiary doesn’t survive you.

For More Information

Some of these planned giving ideas may have a greater tax benefit to you than others. We encourage you to seek professional legal, tax, estate planning, and financial advice before deciding on a particular gift arrangement. For more details on planned giving, please contact us

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