Building Power That Transforms Safety and Justice

Safety and Justice Oregon is transforming the public safety and criminal justice systems through education, policy advocacy, and candidate support. We are building a movement to advance solutions that better serve crime survivors, people convicted of crime, and the families and communities of both.

Fighting for reforms and building champions that advance…

Healing after violence

All trauma victims should have access to healing services — options that go beyond punishment and incarceration. Whether or not a survivor chooses to report a crime, people should have the medical, emotional, and supportive resources they need to rebuild their lives.

Second chances

We are all more than the worst thing we have done. People who have been accountable for harm and violence deserve a second chance. We advocate for policies that lower harsh prison sentences and eliminate barriers to success after returning home.

Racial equity

Mass incarceration and unnecessary criminalization disproportionately devastate communities of color, particularly Black, Brown, and Indigenous people and families. The solutions we advance are rooted in racial justice to ensure that all our communities feel safe.

Treatment and recovery

People who suffer from addiction, mental illness, and unstable housing should have access to resources, but gaps in services mean they are often met with arrests instead. We fight for homes and healthcare — not handcuffs — for people who are struggling.

Accountability and restoration

Different sources of trauma need different pathways to accountability and healing. Whether harm is from a single incident, a cycle of violence, hate and discrimination, or over-policing and mass incarceration, we need responses that help restore people and communities.

How We Build Power

Reforming the system requires leadership in every part of our communities. From kitchen tables to the Governor’s desk, advocates for reform are challenging outdated responses to harm that lead to more arrests and mass incarceration.


Information and Tools to Build Power

Civic Engagement

Education that Advances Community Safety

Developing Leaders

Building, Supporting, and Endorsing Political Champions

Join the Movement for Safety and Justice

Our newsletter keeps advocates like you informed about current policies, education opportunities, and ways you can take action.

“I believe that we can build safer communities for everyone in Oregon by committing to justice reinvestment, sentencing reform, and new approaches to juvenile justice that gives kids the support they need.”

Sign the petition

Oregonians overwhelmingly share core beliefs about community safety:

  • Everyone deserves to feel safe and live a life free of harm.
  • Anyone who is suffering should have what they need to heal.
  • After taking responsibility for causing harm, people deserve a second chance.

We’re building a movement and supporting champions that are guided by these values. Together we’re fighting for responses to violence rooted in accountability, racial equity, and healing for all Oregonians.